Ruth Collins

Ruth Collins

President and Director of AfPP Ltd

Ruth is currently a Nurse Development Lead with responsibility for co-ordinating education and training, practice development, clinical workforce and governance. Whilst she is an adult trained nurse, this role is within a paediatric setting and therefore she is responsible for almost 500 nurses. Her role extends to the perioperative environment. Ruth is a theatre nurse by background with over 20 years’ experience within the perioperative environment and continues to undertake a clinical shift each week.

Ruth’s main areas of interest are education, governance, infection prevention and control, person-centered care and patient and staff experience. She is an advocate for patient and staff safety and the development of safe, caring and confident practitioners within the perioperative environment and is passionate regarding the development of safe cultures and inclusivity regarding all roles within the perioperative setting. Her areas of expertise include the above and clinically, orthopaedics, general surgery, vascular, plastics, neuro and ophthalmology.

Ruth has been a member of NATN, and subsequently AfPP, since 2005 and was originally a member of the Brunel Branch. She was involved in the Northern Ireland branch with responsibility for membership and then became the Regional Lead for Northern Ireland. She now supports the Lead as part of the team in Northern Ireland.

Ruth has represented AfPP in relation to OneTogether, HIS and NAP6 and provides consultancy support to the Association. Ruth currently sits on the Governance Committee and considers it a privilege to contribute in this way.