Whole Team Training Academy
Whole Team Training
AfPP are renowned for setting standards and best practice in theatres. Our Academy can support the development of the right culture for safety within your hospital. We can help you improve patient safety, reduce the likelihood of Never Events occurring and create a more cohesive theatre department.
At AfPP we believe that training is necessary for a culture to become embedded, and this must be aimed at whole teams in order to ensure change.
We’ve developed a curriculum of learning which includes accountability and responsibility, human factors, leadership, patient safety and practical sessions such as team building, the count and the WHO checklist. All areas of the core curriculum can be reviewed and developed to suit the issues that may be faced by your hospital.
The cost of investigating never events is extremely high for any hospital and the ongoing resource required to support the outcomes can be overwhelming. The cost involved for a bespoke programme of education is comparatively very favourable and will change the way your team work, making the incidence of never events or poor practice less likely in the future.