Professional Advice Service
A confidential helpline providing clinical, ethical and professional advice
What is the Professional Advice Service (PAS)?
The service is provided by experienced registered healthcare professionals who have worked in the independent and NHS sectors in the UK.
The aim of PAS is to provide clear, accurate and confidential advice to:
- Facilitate the assurance of standards and best practice within perioperative
practice. - Promote the safety of patients and healthcare professionals in the perioperative environment through the provision of quality patient care.
- Promote professional conduct and practice across all perioperative disciplines.
The Professional Advice Service is free to members.

Depending on the nature of an enquiry, PAS can assist in many different ways:
- Members can be encouraged to discuss and think through the professional issue in a number of different ways.
- The Professional Officer can provide clarification and discuss the relevant regulatory standards and professional guidance, as well as providing advice on professional accountability.
- The Professional Officer can provide advice relating to best practice and other perioperative information as required.
- The Professional Officer can offer support by directing members to relevant AfPP publications.
- Calls relating to educational matters can be addressed by AfPP’s Education Officer, who can assist with queries relating to personal development.
Employment Advice
PAS can not provide members with advice related to employment issues such as Agenda for Change, disciplinary or grievance procedures or anything related to changes in terms and conditions of employment.
AfPP is a professional association and not a trade union. Even if a member has professional indemnity insurance with AfPP, this insurance is for personal indemnity issues only and not employment contract related issues.
Members who are also part of a trade union, should also contact their local representative and/or can contact the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) public enquiry line on 08457 474747.
Analysing Trends
AfPP is committed to working proactively with members to address the quality and safety of perioperative practice and patient care.
These can be achieved by:
- Development of position statements.
- Lobbying of respective health departments on key issues.
- Commissioning of education materials/events/programmes across the AfPP network.
- Commissioning of perioperative-focused publications.
Using PAS
When seeking advice from PAS by telephone, members will need to quote their membership number.
Information received by PAS
All telephone calls are logged for auditing purposes which comply with AfPP Risk Management and Control Assurance systems.
Members are assured that all information is treated confidentially and in compliance with Data Protection legislation and regulations.
Contact the AfPP Professional Advice Service
The service is available from:
- 9:00–16:30 Monday to Thursday
- 9:00–16:00 Friday
You can contact PAS by phone or by logging into your member portal: